Thursday, March 17, 2011

The snow is melting

The blanket of snow is finally retreating fast, look at the picture below and then look at the picture in the last post of my hill. This melt occurred in about 9 hours today, and it is looking perfect for the American Woodcock. This also means that I will be able to start my transect walks. I am glad winter is almost over and hopefully we will not get another 2 foot snow storm, but it is only march and I've seen snow here in may so we have a few more months. 
I gave some more thought today about my project on my bike ride and what this will entail is also taking pictures of the species I see. I know this won't be possible for everything but at least for the trees and stationary animals I will be able to take pictures of them. After this I will upload them to a different section of my blog and write details about how to identify these creatures, if I know some of their habits and when/ where I saw them. This will allow for people to see some of the stuff that I am doing and hopefully will entice them to read more about what I am doing.   

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