Sunday, March 27, 2011

Happiness class entry

1) when do you feel most happy?
The times that I feel most happy is after completing a difficult physical or mental challenge.

2)React to the article
This article has some very interesting points on how to achieve happiness, most of which I agree with. When the author was talking about how if you start setting out goal for success you will most likely set the goals to high and not be able to complete them. This will cause the person the opposite of happiness as they feel that they have failed on a level, a point I can follow. I also agree with the chart that he made, where on one side is boredom and the other is stress, anxiety and that you have to have the right balance between being challenging yet still achievable.

3) Where are you on the flow chart?
I feel that right now on the flow chart I am between A3 and A4 so a little bit overwhelmed but not super overwhelmed. There is a lot of memorizing that I have been working on recently so I am feeling a bit stressed.

4) How has the changed throughout your project?
In the beginning it was very stressful trying to figure out where to setup the transect line have the excel sheets in order and now practicing identifying the flora and fauna is quite difficult. But once I am done with these aspects of the project I feel that I will have the perfect balance between challenge and boredom so making it to A 4 on the chart (the middle).

5) How can you achieve flow?
I can achieve flow by setting small achievable goals and by working on my project daily.

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