Sunday, March 6, 2011

Excel spread sheets

I am currently working on making excel sheets for the different, bird, tree, bush and grass, mammal, and insect species that I see along my transect walks. This is taking quite a while, but I feel that it will be worth doing this instead of just jotting down the species on the walk for a few different reasons. One being that there are different sections on my transect, 15 different spots, and I will be recording data at each one of these, for everything I think except bird species.  I might have a running total for the bird species through the entire walk but specify if I saw it at which section. Another reason for making excel sheets is it will be a whole lot easier entering data on my computer, I can easily just type in the data to excel instead of doing something else. So, I have been working on these sheets for a while now and have the Mammals done and now I am working on the trees.


  1. Sam, check this out:

    It's a clip of a movie from the Banff Mountain Film Festival that uses the kind of camera you're using in your project. It's pretty cool. The whole "film" is 5 minutes....

    Keep up the good work!
    -Ms. G

  2. I actually just watched that! Weird. I don't think that I will get any cougars on my trap though.
