Tuesday, March 1, 2011

March 1st, Barn song / in class entry

Today, we have been asked to read another wise project from years past. This will allow us to see how the project is completed, what we can improve on which the previous person lacked, we can see what they did well and recreate it. Since we are looking at these other kids journals, end of the year assignments, and other different work assignments that we will have to be doing which will be an enormous benefit for our projects.
While in the library today we watched a previous wise student's project, which incorporated two different projects together. Scott who directed the documentary followed another student, Austin who was making a barn. It was very interesting to watch this as I could relate to some of the stuff that Austin has done. I cut all of my own fire wood, and a few years back my dad brother and I made a cabin in the middle of our woods which incorporated some of the things that Austin had to do. So that was very interesting to be able to watch and relate to. This also accurately shows how long, and difficult the projects will end up from some things that we have to do will take a much longer time than what we would expect. I'm sure we have already found this out. For example the camera trap which I had to setup took a good 6 hours for something I thought that would take about 30 minutes.
Overall though this has motivated me even more as we have seen the out come of a great project, which has inspired me to work hard and hopefully have one that fulfills my expectations and goals like the project we just watched. 

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