Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Bike ride and thoughts

So when I got home today, I went on my first bike ride of the year. I checked all my gear, helmet, Under-Armour shirt, some shorts (hardest thing to find), and my camel back. Then I got my zune and made a playlist for the ride. So I started out on my path which is shown below.

On the ride I began to think of things that I want to accomplish with my project, many of which came from looking over the land and trying to identify the species of plants and trees as I whizzed by. So there was one goal that I thought about, fast identification of at least the major flora groups of the area. This will be done by many walks and having a field guide with me for these walks as I know I will need these references. Also on these walks I am anticipating a lot of quick glimpses of different species so I will have to hone down fast identifications of species instead of having an extended period of time to identify the animal. 

Later on in the bike ride I thought about why I had chose to do this project here are a few of the reasons. One is I am fascinated, and I have always been fascinated with natural history through out the world. I have spent many hours reading and watching different documentaries and books on this subject. I also love being outside, this is another thing I have had a very strong interest in since I was a little kid. So this project incorporates two of my favorite things together. That is one major reason why I chose to undertake this project. Another reason why I want to do the survey on my land is that I know the bird species very well around here but that is about it. I know the basics of most of the Mammals, Reptiles, and trees, a few bushes and flowers and almost nothing about the insect populations of central New York, so I would love to be able to walk through my woods and be able to identify most of the flora and fauna that I see. These were a few thoughts of mine on the first bike ride of the year, it was a very enjoyable way to finish the day.  

Bike loop of Caroline distance 10.3 miles, It took me about an hour to complete.

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