Sunday, March 20, 2011

New camera trap spot, went on a walk.

With the sun shining and being nice for a while I went on a walk. I would call it a practice survey walk as I did keep records of a few things but after a while I decided that I was not in the mood for taking a whole lot of notes on the things I saw and just enjoy being outside. This weekend was long, on Friday my dad got a viral infection in his ear and it caused, and is causing him to be unbalanced and feel very nauseous. He had to go to the hospital earlier that day so that had put a damper on the day. Then later that night at about 10:30 my friends car broke down way out in the country. We ended up calling AAA and getting the car towed and I ended up back at my house at around 2:00. So not a great weekend and I was just enjoying being outside, so not a whole lot of data collected although I did take note of the bird species. I also setup my camera trap near a spot where there have been a lot of tracks near my pond. I've seen fox tracks and a few rabbit tracks near by so hopefully they will set it off. I will now leave you with a picture of a Fox Sparrow a spring and autumn migrant that summers up in the northern parts of Canada and summers in the southern part of the U.S. 

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