Friday, February 4, 2011

Journal 2: The next 2 weeks

2/5/2010 Saturday: Begin the process of selecting a transect of my land, different sections.

2/6/2010 Sunday: Begin to collect the different materials that I will need in order to begin, things such as a digital camera different other cameras. Try and get camera traps.

2/7/2010 Monday: By now I should have at at least 3 ideas for a transect through my land trying to have a line that goes through the different sections of my land.

2/8/2010 Tuesday: I will try today to have all my identification books in order and to try and have the digital cameras ready to go.

2/9/2010 Wednesday: This is my mentor meeting day and I will propose my ideas for transects through Google earth and hopefully decide on one.

2/10/2010 Thursday: I will begin to plot the transect on a G.P.S. unit and then put this data on Google earth.

2/11/2010 Friday: Main thing today I will do is select how large each stop is on my transect.

2/12/2010 Saturday: Finish plotting the transect if I am not done.

2/13/2010 Sunday: Figure out how to setup a camera trap and find the best area for them.

2/14/2010 Monday: Start making an excel spread sheet for different basic plants of the area.

2/15/2010 Tuesday: Finish making the spread sheet for the plants, begin an excel sheet for birds.

2/16/2010 Wednesday: Wise mentor meeting, talk to Mr. Nelson about the different excel sheets, Finish the excel sheet for the birds begin one for mammals.

2/17/2010 Thursday: Finish the excel for Mammals, review all excel pages and make sure that they are detailed enough and have extra spaces for the species I forget.

2/18/2010 Friday: Get everything setup for the first time walking through the Transect.

2/19/2010 Saturday: Hopefully this will be my first walk through on the transect will collect data and modify things if I need to.

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