Monday, February 7, 2011

Found a Transect

I have decided on a section of my land that I think will be able to get a wide range of different environments through. It will start at the corner of my field and then head across up a hill to the middle of another field, from there it will go north west until I hit a stream, from there the transect will go north east until a dirt road intersects my land. 
The length of the transect is about 3/4's of a mile, or 1305 yards. A transect is a line that cuts through a plot of land it usually incorporates different parts of the area that you are trying to do a survey of, for example in mine I start in a field with no succession, then go farther up my land to a field with differing layers of succession, then to a stream, and then into second growth woods.  Along the transect I will be conducting micro surveys of a cubic meter most likely every 50 to 75 yards. In this cubic meter I will be recording all of the plant species that I find in the area, I also will be conducting small insect traps in either all or half of these spots where I record the plants.

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