Thursday, February 10, 2011


So I had my wise mentor meeting yesterday and during this meeting we discussed my transect, which is the one posted earlier, and the camera trap which I will be receiving sometime soon and goals. So here is one of my goals for this project, I want to be able to walk through my woods and be able to identify everything I see from Trees to Arthropods to all of the animal tracks. I will go about completing this goal many different ways, one of which is conducting the survey (pretty obvious) but the others will be spending a lot of time going through different identification books for the trees and plants and then, for identifying the arthropods and maybe some plants,  dichotomous keys for the various unknowns that I know I will find.

The reason why I have set this for my goal is I have always been an outside guy my entire life, I spend a lot of my time in my woods in the summer either running, walking, or biking and whenever I stop for a break or a snack, I usually end up looking at some plant or insect for a while and I always think to myself on the way back, dang I wish I knew what that species was. So this is the perfect opportunity for me to figure out all of these species that I see. I also would like to take pictures of a lot of the different things I see so I will update this blog with a bunch of pictures of plants and animals with their names next to them which will make this project a lot more interesting, for both me and the people reading this blog.

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