Sunday, April 3, 2011

reflection of the week

This week went by very fast, I have worked a lot on my project. I have been doing many walks and recording the data and after doing these walks along my transect I found it very hard to follow on and now have decided to take Stakes and hammer them into the ground to keep my barrings straight. I will also use these stakes as survey points. I am about to go and setup the stakes but first I have to drill holes in them in order to put string through them. After I am done with this it will help me a whole lot to say on the path. 
I also this week saw an American Kestrel on my land I haven't seen one of these for a long time and I thought it was pretty cool. These birds are declining in this region do to the farming fields going back to woods. This is where they hunt so it was neat to see one of these birds on my land. A Kestrel is a type of falcon and is quite small they eat mice voles and other small creatures. I have a picture of it below. 

American Kestrel

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